Friday 2 November 2007

Analysing 'Wanted'

I think this was one of the more interesting thrillers from last year as it uses many generic signifiers of the gangster genre. For instance the central protagonist is dressed in a black suit so automatically we assume he is a gangster. The use of greysacle also makes the opening few shots appear darker, like film noir. The setting as well in a bar is a generic haunt of criminals.

The next sequence round the table I think is well shot although I think they got the location and actors wrong. I think the actors look way too young to be accomplished mobsters and so doesn't quite work. If I was directing I would have chosen older actors, between 25-50. I also think they could have got a much better location. The room they are in looks neither seedy nor grand enough to ba a gangsters hangout. As well as this I think this would have been a key opportunity to use shadow. I would have had the light solely on the table, so only the actor's faces are highlighted and so it appears as if they have something to hide.

The next sequence I think is really interesting with the variety of coloured lights, but I still think the opening moves too slow. The soundtrack aswell I do not think reflects the genre of the action taking plce. If I had done it I would have had MUCH more aggressive music, like the opening to Dead or Alive (a very good action thriller)

Overall the opening was extremely well shot and I can learnt alot from it.

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