Female Vigilante Revenge Film
Basically the film would be about a 20ish year old female student who is studying to be a surgeon. She is also taking care of her younger sister (because their parents died in the 7/7 bombing s or something along that line) who is starting to hang about in the 'wrong crowd'. With this wrong crowd, she is peer pressured into experiment in drugs and commit minor crimes and it become clear that this relationship will not end well at all. The reason why the younger sister is so susceptable to all this is because she feels disillusioned by her parent's deaths. All the while her elder sister is too busy in her own life to realise the downward spiral she is plummeting into. Then a third of the way into the film she goes to a 'party' with this crowd, but she is drugged and then raped and beaten by the main male leaders of the 'gang'. As a result she goes into a coma and her sister is left looking for answers and consumed by guilt that she was not there for her sister. After the police fail to follow up the incident, the central female protagonist goes out in search of revenge.
This plot and idea is influenced by the 'Deathwish' series of film's where in each film the central protagonist was wronged and then took the law into his own hands to put things right. This idea is part influenced by 'Dead man's shoes', a film about a paratrooper returning to his hometown to kill the small time drug dealers who tormented his brother.
The Film would open with the Directors name and the film Title both coming up on a blank screen with just the sound of dripping water in the background. The film would then flash to a scene that would be happening later on in the narrative.
The film would then open with a young man tied to a chair, blood dripping down the side of his forehead, just coming to. To show this I would have the camera start at a distorted angle and be out of focus. The camera would then turn to be at a straight angle and come into focus. The camera would then move to be the POV of the man and we would see around the dark room he is in and then focus on the door as we hear it unlock. We then go to a ECU of his frightened face as we hear the door handle turn, so that we can see how afraid he is at this point. The camera would then be at ground level as we see the door open and we see the main protagonist walk to the man, but we only see her feet at this point. I imagined at this point she'd be wearing boots and tha would be the only sound. I also wondered whether she should have an Axe dragging along the floor behind her as well, but I don't know whether the fact she is a surgeon could be used in that she could have a medicine bag full of scalpels etc in order to torture and extract information out of her victims.
From here i'm not to sure which route I want to take with this idea, but i'm going to develop it over the next week